L I T U R G I C A L   V O L U N T E E R S


The role of a Lector is to proclaim the Word of God at Holy Mass with a great sense of reverence and poise. One ought to hold and exemplify a deep love for Sacred Scripture as a lector. Catholics who have been baptized and confirmed are invited to inquire about partaking in this ministry.

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion partake in a most important role, which is distributing the very Body and Blood of Our Lord to our brothers and sisters at Holy Mass. This role is for baptized and confirmed Catholics who exemplify a deep love and reverence for our Eucharistic Lord.

Altar Boys

Altar Boys play a very special role in the liturgy, being the closest people to the altar during the Sacrifice of the Mass and assisting with the liturgy’s different parts. This role is reserved for boys and young adult men who have received their First Holy Communion and display reverence and love for Jesus in the Holy Mass. It is a great honor for Altar Boys to be invited into the Holy Sanctuary and serve Holy Mass next to the altar.


The ministry of Sacristan is to serve the Holy Mass in its preparations before and after Mass. Sacristans play a most important function in creating order and beauty for the liturgy. This ministry is open to all young ladies and women, ages 10+.


The role of Ushers at Holy Mass is to ensure that our congregants are seated and that order is functioning smoothly in the church and gathering space. Men, young and old, are invited to inquire about assisting in this ministry.